Operations Overview

Oversee Onsite Operations

📹 Live view of onsite operations across locations.

Say goodbye to chasing down your vendor for information, and enjoy total transparency with Crafty. Our platform makes it easy monitor your office pantry program across locations from anywhere at anytime.

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Inside Your Operations Center

Operations Overview

What's important to you is always at the top of our list.

We make it a point to keep your priorities front and center for our entire team. We note what is most important to your program’s success at each location and provide an easy ranking system so you always know the status on the ground.

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Explore progress across each of your locations in real-time.

Easily manage your program across all your workplaces from your desk. You have 100% transparency into all the tasks happening at every pantry across every office along with the real-time status of those tasks. Pretty neat, right?

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Operations Overview
Operations Overview

Visual proof that service is up to your standards and ours.

It’s never been easier to see how it’s really going on the ground. The Crafty Crew includes a photo when we complete each task that our team regularly reviews for improvements. A picture is worth a thousand words…or a thousand drinks depending on the picture.

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Clear visibility into the progress of your support tickets.

If you have a problem, yo we’ll solve it…and make it easy to track how quickly we resolve it. Simply fill out a ticket and our team will take it from there providing updates within your central Support Center.

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Operations Overview

Crafting Joy

😍 Our love language is photos of affirmation.

Easily see the glory that is your office pantry:

• Systematically organized pantry layout

• Straight rows of cans with visible logos

• Meticulously arranged snack bins

• Thoughtfully placed supplies

Let's Chat

"Working with a tech company, as a tech company, this is where Crafty delivers when other food and beverage partners can't. From responsiveness to innovation, Crafty is performing in ways that the other vendors are not."

Amanda Gruber

Operations Manager at ActiveCampaign

Read the Case Study