
Food and beverage reports, made simple

Transparency into every dollar you spend with Crafty in just a few clicks. Build reports for finance in seconds and manage spending across all your workplace locations, from anywhere in the world.

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Dynamic reporting with Crafty

It’s nearing end-of-month, and you get an email from Finance requesting to know the exact spend on coffee in the Houston location. Now your afternoon is spent scraping through PDFs and online invoices. Sound familiar?

With Crafty, you can put this reality in the past. Our seamless and user-friendly reporting technology turns hours-long reporting processes into seconds.

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Crafty Dashboard Reporting

Track spend

Whether it’s a specific category spend on coffee, or reviewing your total program spend across multiple locations, you can get any and all reporting data you need with a click of a button. Okay, maybe a few buttons.

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Visualize your data

Our dynamic reporting visualizes your data in intuitive, easy-to-read charts across categories, locations, kitchens, and time so there’s never confusion as to where (and when) each and every dollar is spent.

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Share reports

Best of all, your reports can travel. Download them into a PDF or spreadsheet to share with whoever needs them, in an instant. That way, you can get back to the things that matter most.

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